Goals & Objectives
The forum’s objectives will showcase the voices, perspectives, and experiences of community advocates, organizations and residents who participate in urban health and social research activities within a participatory research approach. By bringing together these groups in a highly interactive format, we aim to create a unique space for attendees to exchange information, learn from one another, and network with others who share their role in the research process. This involves sharing stories, experiences, and enhancing skills and capacities:
• To raise awareness of effective and innovative strategies to develop and sustain community-academic research partnerships
• To showcase how diverse community perspectives can contribute to addressing local and global urban health and social concerns
• To create spaces for participants to develop strategies for action on common issues facing local communities
Who Should Participate?
Participants will include residents of local, regional and international communities, representatives of community organizations, government, international, national and local NGOs, foundations, students, faculty and university administrators.