Sponsorship Letter & Information

Sponsorship Information

Dear Friend and Colleague,

The Harlem Community & Academic Partnership is pleased to be partnering with a number of HCAP member organizations and agencies on an event to empower and motivate community representatives who participate in community-based research. “Faces of Urban Health: A Forum to Share Community-Based Strategies to Address Health Inequity in Urban Communities” is the theme for this Forum because urban communities vary drastically all over the city, state, nation and world and the various frameworks for participatory research meet the needs of our many faces to work collaboratively achieve social justice. The Forum is being held on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at the Touro College of Pharmacy located at 230 West 125th Street in Harlem, New York.

The Forum will include interactive workshop and platform sessions to promote the sharing of knowledge, experiences and best practices throughout the United States and globally by and among community partners in the following areas: 1) effective methods in establishing, maintaining and sustaining community-academic partnerships; 2) engagement in all phases of the research process; 3) strategies for effective administration and governance through capacity-building and collaboration among community partners already engaged in community-academic partnerships and 4) successes and challenges in designing, advocating for and implementing community-driven, evidence-based systems-level change (i.e. policy).

We would like to request your sponsorship in this exciting educational and networking opportunity. Through sponsors like you, we will be able to make this an unforgettable event for free of charge to all attendees, especially for community individuals and organizations. Enclosed you will find a sponsorship form outlining the various participation opportunities available.

Thank you for your consideration and please join us as we aim to advance authentic community-higher education research partnerships by mobilizing a network of community partners.


Ann-Gel S. Palermo
HCAP Chair

Sponsorship Opportunities

Luncheon Speaker Sponsor: $1,000
Includes: Your organization logo in the program book, 8 conference registrations, and recognition at luncheon, opportunity for promotional materials in goodie bags. PLEASE ATTACH E-VERSION OF LOGO TO SPONSORSHIP FORM

After Hours Event Sponsor $750
Includes: Your organization logo in the program book, 6 conference registrations, recognition at luncheon, opportunity for promotional materials in goodie bags. PLEASE ATTACH E-VERSION OF LOGO TO SPONSORSHIP FORM

Forum Sponsor $600
Includes: Your organization logo in the program book, 4 conference registrations, and recognition at luncheon, opportunity for promotional materials in goodie bags. PLEASE ATTACH E-VERSION OF LOGO TO SPONSORSHIP FORM

Break-out Session Sponsor $250
Includes: Your organization logo in the program book, 2 conference registrations, and recognition at luncheon, opportunity for promotional materials in goodie bags. PLEASE ATTACH E-VERSION OF LOGO TO SPONSORSHIP FORM

Promotional Goodie Bag Donations: 150 promotion items to be put in bag for all attendees during registration

Other /Individual Sponsorship Amount: ____________________________

Organization/Individual Name: __________________________ Representative Name_____________________

Organization Address:________________________________________________________

Telephone Number:________________________ Email Address:______________________

Sponsorship For (indicate opportunity level): _______________________________________________

Payment Type: Check or Money Order payable to New York Academy of Medicine

For more information and to submit completed form and payment to

New York Academy of Medicine
1216 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10029
Telephone (Ann-Gel Palermo): 212-241-8886                
Fax: 212-419-3661
Email: facesofurbanhealth@gmail.com

Faces of Urban Health Sponsors To Date: Touro College of Pharmacy, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health, Center for Multicultural and Community Affairs of Mount Sinai School of Medicine, The People’s Policy Institute, Center of Excellence in Disparities Research of Weill Cornell Medical College, CUES/New York Academy of Medicine